Build A Set

Find the tunes you want, and then use the Select button on each to choose them in the order you want to play them in a set. When you’ve done that use Show Set to view and play back the set.

You can also look at some sets that have been played in Aotearoa New Zealand at various times in our Historic Sets page.

Tunes in Set
Music Notation Displayed Here

Scroll ↑↓ to choose a tune from the table

Emin slip jig
Dmaj jig
G jig
D hornpipe
Edor hornpipe
Dmix slip jig
Edor jig
Amix jig
Dmaj polka
Ador reel
Ador polka
Ador polka
Gmaj polka
Dmaj reel
Dmix jig
Gmaj jig
A hornpipe
Bb hornpipe
D jig
D hornpipe
D waltz
D jig
Gmix reel
A polka
Bdor polka
D jig
G reel
Amix jig
G reel
G jig
Dmix jig
D polka
G slide
Dmaj reel
D reel
D reel
Dmix reel
D hornpipe
Amaj reel
Ador reel
D jig
Aaeol march
Ddor jig
G polka
G slide
Ador jig
D reel
D reel
G jig
Dmix reel
Gmaj hornpipe
G reel
Amaj jig
D march, strathspey, reel
D reel
Ador reel
Gdor reel
D march
Gmaj reel
D jig
Ador reel
G reel
G jig
Ador jig
Edor jig
G reel
G reel
G jig
A jig
D reel
D jig
C jig
Dmaj reel
G reel
Edor waltz
Dmix reel
G reel
Edor reel
D hornpipe
Amaj reel
Gmaj reel
Amix reel
Dmix reel
Amix slip jig
Edor reel
D reel
D reel
Amix jig
G jig
Dmaj reel
Gdor reel
Dmix jig
Edor reel
G jig
Edor reel
D reel
Gmaj reel
Edor reel
Edor reel
Dmaj reel
D reel
Amin reel
A jig
Gdor reel
Dmix reel
F#m slip jig
D reel
G reel
Dmaj jig
Edor slip jig
A jig
Bdor polka
D hornpipe
Gmaj hornpipe
Bdor reel
G reel
D polka
G reel
D slip jig
A reel
D jig
Dmaj reel
D jig
D hornpipe
G reel
Dmix jig
Gmaj jig
Ador jig
Dmaj reel
G reel
G reel
Gmaj jig
Gdor hornpipe
G hornpipe
Edor reel
Emin reel
G waltz
Edor reel
D reel
Gmaj barndance
D jig
Gmaj jig
Bmin jig
G jig
G jig
G slide
D planxty
G hornpipe
Amix reel
D jig
D hornpipe
Dmix jig
G jig
Gmaj jig
Edor reel
Dmix jig
D reel
Ador hornpipe
D hornpipe
Ador jig
Gmaj jig
D reel
Gmaj jig
D barndance
Dmaj reel
Gmaj reel
Bdor reel
D jig
G jig
G jig
Amaj barndance
Edor reel
Dmaj mazurka
D polka
D reel
G waltz
Gmaj jig
Dmaj polka
Ddor reel
G reel
D hornpipe
G jig
G slip jig
D jig
Edor jig
Gmaj reel
Edor hornpipe
D jig
G barndance
D hornpipe
Gmaj jig
Ador jig
A barndance
Edor reel
Dmaj reel
D reel
G jig
Dmaj reel
D jig
Ador jig
D reel
D polka
D jig
Emin jig
G reel
D reel
Ador highland
D reel
G barndance
Ador reel
G jig
Dmaj reel
Gmaj jig
Amaj jig
D reel
D reel
D polka
Ador reel
Amix march
G polka
Dmaj reel
Edor reel
D reel
D reel
G reel
Amaj reel
D reel
G reel
Edor reel
Amaj reel
G jig
C reel
D air
D reel
Gmaj reel
D waltz
Gmaj jig
D jig
D reel
D,D reel
D hornpipe
Ador jig
D march
G reel
Gmaj hornpipe
Edor jig
D polka
Edor jig, reel
D reel
D reel
G jig
G jig
Gmaj reel
G jig
G reel
D jig
D jig
G hornpipe
Gmaj polka
Bdor reel
D jig
G slip jig
G jig
G reel
Ador reel
G hornpipe
G hornpipe
Ador slide
G reel
G hornpipe
Dmix reel
D reel
Ador reel
G jig
D air
Dmix jig
Dmaj jig
D reel
Dmaj reel
Bdor reel
G jig
Dmaj jig
G reel
G jig
Gdor reel
Dmaj reel
Gmaj hornpipe
Ddor reel
G jig
Dmix jig
Ddor reel
G reel
Dmix reel
Dmaj reel
D jig
D slip jig
Amix reel
D reel
Dmaj jig
D reel
G slide
D waltz
Gdor reel
Ador jig
D hornpipe
Gmaj hornpipe
Amix hornpipe
Ddor reel
C reel
Ador jig
Ador reel
A polka
Gmaj reel
G reel
Gdor reel
Gmaj reel
G hornpipe
D reel
Edor slide
C reel
D reel
D jig
Edor reel
Edor march
D jig
G jig
Ador reel
Dmaj reel
D reel
G reel
G jig
Gmaj reel
D reel
G reel
G jig
G polka
D reel
D reel
A reel
D reel
Ador jig
Ador reel
Gmaj reel
F barndance
D slip jig
Amix jig
A slip jig
D hornpipe
D mazurka
D waltz
Dmaj reel
Dmaj reel
G reel
G jig
A jig
G reel
D reel
G jig
Ador reel
A jig
Dmaj reel
D hornpipe
G jig
G hornpipe
Amix reel
G reel
Ddor reel
D jig
Dmix jig
Em reel
Ador reel
Ddor reel
Dmaj reel
Ador slip jig
Bmin jig
G reel
Gmaj jig
Dmaj jig
Ador jig
Dmaj reel
Ador jig
G reel
Dmaj reel
Ador reel
Gmaj jig
Dmix reel
Dmaj polka
Bdor reel
Amaj reel
Gmaj reel
Dmaj reel
G reel
A reel
Ador reel
Gmaj reel
Dmix jig
Dmaj reel
Ador reel
Amaj reel
G hornpipe
Gmaj reel
Gmaj jig
Gmaj reel
Gmaj jig
Ador reel
Dmaj jig
Gmaj reel
G jig
Emin jig
Amix jig
Ador jig
Dmaj reel
Gmaj jig
Em jig
G waltz
Gmaj slide
Dmaj reel
A reel
D reel
Cmaj reel
D reel
Amaj hornpipe
A reel
A jig
G reel
Gmaj jig
Gmaj jig
Gdor reel
Gmaj reel
Edor reel
Ador jig
Gmaj reel
Dmaj jig
Emin jig
Amaj reel
G reel
Gmaj barndance
Ddor reel
Edor reel
Bmin reel
D jig
D polka
Gdor reel
G reel
D hop jig
D reel
Edor reel
Dmix reel
G hornpipe
D reel
D reel
Edor reel
Gmaj jig
D jig
Bdor reel
C reel
Gmaj mazurka
D reel
G jig
Edor jig
D jig
Emin jig
Gmix slip jig
D reel
Gmaj jig
G jig
D reel
Dmix reel
Gmaj reel